There are books and tutorials full of content marketing techniques to get more traffic to your website or blog. But every marketer knows that it's more important to choose the most fruitful ones to increase your chances, considering that we don't have unlimited amounts of disposable time.
So, what are the most efficient methods to get more traffic out of your content marketing? How to tailor your content marketing strategy to get more benefits out of your actions?
1. Double your social media marketing
There's no secret that social media is on the rise and the most productive marketing channel right now. Marketers are getting more ROI out of the social media campaigns as prospects and customers prefer this type of communication over the more traditional ones like TV or newspaper. Actually, users prefer social media for almost every online need like entertainment, product discovery and shopping, learning and so on.
So the obvious thing to do, if you want more traffic to your website or blog, is to start paying more attention to the social media environment. Get the help of an amazing social media management and automation tool like Mass Planner, and start promoting your content on all the social platforms available right now, prioritizing, of course, the most efficient ones like Facebook, Instagram or Twitter.
It goes without saying that your content should be original and of a higher quality to capitalize on the social media strategies. You need to have attention grabbing headlines and long-form content that is thoroughly researched and documented.
2. Start using video
Video marketing is one of the most shared and liked form of content. Users prefer this type of content over other less engaging ones. Everybody have a performant video capturing device in their pockets, and the editing apps are accessible and easier to use than ever. You can create videos that can go viral; you just have to use your creativity and unique angles.
3. Embark in the live video trend
The video content is on the rise right now, but what's, even more, trending is the live video content. Starting with Snapchat, then with Facebook live videos and now with Instagram stories, people seem to enjoy being in the middle of the action.
This trend started in 2016 but will definitely take off in 2017. The advantages are countless; these are just some of them:
- You will build more trust with your followers, prospected customers and clients. They can observe you and your team in the spur-of-the-moment kind of way. This will humanize your brand and provide behind the scenes snaps at what you do, making your fans love and appreciate your work even more.
- You can get instant feedback. And we all know how useful is the feedback of your customers in building strong products.
But the best part is that you will also have fun while doing these live videos and on the long run your brand will grow strong.